Journal's Areas of Interest
Journal's Areas of Interest
The journal will attempt to highlight and annotate selected works of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba through translations of His works originally in Telugu into English; and through the articles that draw from the research and rich experience of the invited authors based on Bhagavan Baba's universal teachings. His teachings are broadly classified into the following:
Sanskriti - Culture
The end of culture is perfection
Sadhana - Practice
The end of wisdom is freedom

Samaikyatha - Integration
There is only one religion, the religion of Love.
Siksha - Education
The end of education is Character
Sathguna - Human Values
The end of knowledge is Love
Journal's Areas of Interest
The journal will attempt to highlight and annotate selected works of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba through translations of His works originally in Telugu into English; and through the articles that draw from the research and rich experience of the invited authors based on Bhagawan Baba's universal teachings. His teachings are broadly classified into the following:
Sanskriti - Culture
The end of culture is perfection
Sadhana - Practice
The end of wisdom is freedom

Samaikyatha - Integration
There is only one religion, the religion of Love.
Siksha - Education
The end of education is Character
Sathguna - Human Values
The end of knowledge is Love