Privacy Notice for SSSCHV app

Privacy Notice for SSSCHV app

Who are we?


The SSSCHV mobile application is re-braded version of the open source Moodle mobile application. Moodle Pty Ltd is a software company which allows educators, of any kind, to create a private space online, filled with tools that easily create courses and activities, all optimised for collaborative learning. The Moodle® software is open source, and may be hosted by Moodle Pty Ltd, but also by anyone who wishes to manage an installation. The SSSCHV Mobile Application is the mobile version of the Moodle software hosted at the URL: which is made available by Sri Sathya Sai Center For Human Values, Prashanti Nilayam, Andhra Pradesh.


Beyond the SSSCHV Mobile Application, users can access additional services through external websites hosted at In such cases if collection and processing of personal data is required user consent is obtained by the relevant external supplier and should be compliant with relevant privacy laws. Because we take privacy very seriously we have adopted the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as our company’s global standard.




What’s covered by this Privacy Notice?


Under the GDPR personal data is: “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is anyone who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.




Why the SSSCHV Mobile application doesn’t need to collect and store personal data?


We do not need your personal data to provide you with our SSSCHV Mobile Application and we have no interest in collecting data beyond making our service(s) work for you.


If we provide you with separate additional services through external installations hosted at, we will always seek a confirmation from you that it’s ok to do that.


For avoidance of doubt, in case the installation the user accesses via the SSSCHV Mobile Application is hosted at as part of a Sri Sathya Sai Center For Human Values online learning service, we process users’ personal data in the installation only but not in SSSCHV Mobile Application.