Religion is said to be a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that relate humanity to spirituality and sometimes, to moral values. Religion is the royal highway that leads us to God. All great Masters and Prophets established several pathways to enable human beings to make a connection with and eventually realize their true Divine Self.
Be it Shaivites or Vaishnavites among the Hindus; be it Shias or Sunnis of Islam; or be it the Catholics or Protestants in Christianity; no sect extols violence and falsehood. All of them unanimously urge man to engage in spiritual Sadhanato cleanse the body and the mind and make communion with the supreme soul. Zoroastrianism preaches the threefold message of Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta, which mean: Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. Buddha taught that Nirvana can be attained only by cultivating Samyak Drishti (sacred vision), Samyak Vaak (sacred speech), Samyak Shravanam (sacred listening), Samyak Bhaavam (sacred feeling) and Samyak Kriya (sacred action). Bhagawan Baba says, See no evil – See what is good, Hear no evil – Hear what is good, Talk no evil – Talk what is good, Think no evil – Think what is good, Do no evil – Do what is good – This is the way to God. Therefore, to have a correct understanding of religion and an appreciation of the underlying unity in all religions is critical for the world today.
This theme of “Unity of Religions” is presented in 5 parts. Part-I is an introduction to Religion. In Part-II Bhagawan explains the reason for diversity in religions. Part-III deliberates on the principle of Oneness that is common to all religions. In Part-IV, Bhagawan expounds on the unique statement made by Him, ‘There is only one Religion; the Religion of Love”. In Part-V, Bhagawan appeals to all people not to criticize any religion and to respect all religions.
Part-V of this theme focuses on the fact that one must never criticize any religion but one must always respect all religions. The six audio extracts in this posting are taken from the Discourses delivered by Bhagawan in the years 1975, 1985, 1989 and 1990.
Clip-1 highlights the fact that when the essence of all the religions is one and the same, where is the need for any differences at all. In Clip-2 Bhagawan appeals to people to look upon all religions with Samadrishti (equal respect). In Clip-3 Bhagawan comes down heavily on those who profess to be religious but do not respect all religions. He says if one does not like to respect other religions, better to be silent but never criticize. Clip-4 explicitly states that any religion which denounces any other religion can never be called a religion at all. In Clip-5 Bhagawan explains how religions are never the cause for conflict and violence as is commonly believed, but it is the selfish minds of people that are the root cause. Part-I of this theme of “Unity of Religions” started with a Telugu poem by Bhagawan communicating the unity of all religions. Therefore, very aptly, the final Clip-6 of Part-V concludes with another Telugu poem which states that if the human mind (Mathi) is good, no religion (Mathamu) can be bad.
Each audio clip has a name that adopts the following code: Serial number, Title appropriate to the key content, Duration of the clip, Year-Month-Date of the Clip. Below the title is the translation in English of the select excerpt of the Discourse, followed by the audio player. The post ends with a short quiz that would help you evaluate your assimilation of Bhagawan’s Message from these extracts.
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01-Where is the need for differences when all Religions preach the same Truth-1.28-1990 December 25
All religions have preached only sacredness. All religions called upon people to adhere to the path of Truth. They also taught that good qualities or virtues are very essential for man. Thus, when the essence of all the religions, the basis of all the scriptures and the goal of all human efforts is one and the same, where is the need for any such differences? The paths are varied, but the destination is one and the same. It is a sign of man’s bad quality that in spite of these truths, he indulges in conflicts and agitations on account of religious differences.
02-All Religions should be looked upon as One-1.38-1990 December 25
Look upon all Religions with equal respect |
Although all religions have preached the principle of samathvam (equality), selfish persons, for their own ends, without understanding this broad principle, are promoting conflict and discord with narrow minded feelings. One who is merely well-versed in the scriptures cannot be called a Pandit (a person with knowledge and wisdom). Even a master of the Vedas, Sastras, Puranas and History cannot be regarded as a Pandit. Scholarship alone does not make a man a Pandit. Mastery of language does not confer this title. “Panditaa Samadarsinah”.A true Pandit (scholar) is the one who sees all with an equal eye (who is equal minded). Hence, we should look upon all religions with Samadrishti (equal respect). No religion should be criticised or reviled. One should imbibe the essence of bliss in all the religions.
03-Respect your own Religion-Do not criticize other Religions-2.41-1989 July 23
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Respect all Religions
Never Criticize any Religion
Image Source |
Let there be many different names. But, students should be completely free from such differences. They should respect all religions because what you cherish in your religion is found in other religions also. If you adhere and respect your own religion, you need not get into any conflict with others (belonging to other religions).
Today, you call yourself as a Hindu, but you do not respect your own religion. Today, some call their religion as Islam, but they do not respect their religion. Others call themselves as Christians, but they do not respect their religion. There are many differences in individual beliefs.
Islam preaches, treat every other being as your brother and conduct yourself accordingly. But do they walk along that path? No. Christianity teaches forbearance, stating that if anyone slaps you once, offer yourself to receive the second slap also. They claim to belong to a particular religion, but they do not practice the same. It is best that each one should respect his own religion. It is good to respect other religions also. If you do not like to respect other religions, be silent, but do not criticize them.
It is most necessary for students to develop such a broad-minded mentality today. Today’s students are responsible for the progress of Bharath. Do not observe any difference or any hatred against any religion. Remember that the essence of all religions is one and the same. Do not criticize other religions. Criticism is dangerous. When you criticize another religion, you are really guilty of assailing your own religion. Therefore, show your reverence to everyone. Sarva Jeeva Namaskaaram Keshavam Pratigachhati. The prostrations you offer to everyone will ultimately reach Keshava(God) alone.
04-Any Religion that denounces any other Religion is no Religion at all-It is madness-2.50-1985 December 25
Any Religion that denounces
any other Religion is no Religion at all |
Whether in Hinduism or Buddhism, Jainism or Sikhism, Christianity or Islam, Divinity is One and One only. Today people of different faiths profess great belief in their religion. But this is merely acting and not the truth. The Hindus consider that Hindu religion is the greatest. If this is so great, then what is its greatness? It is the teaching that the God in all the religions is one and the same. To claim that my religion of Hinduism is the greatest and to criticize other religions – does it amount to belief in Hindu religion?
This applies to Christianity also. They argue, “We are Christians. Jesus is the only God. There is no other God”. Yes, one may claim that Jesus alone is God. But they should not criticize others’ religions. To have faith in Jesus but to violate His teaching; can this be a proper way of establishing religion? No religion should have the thoughts of criticizing any other religion. It is not a religion at all that cavils at other religions. It is a form of madness.
05-Conflicts and Violence are not caused by Religions (Mathamu)-But by Selfish Minds (Mathulu)-2.11-1990 December 25
Conflicts are caused not by Religion
but by Selfish Minds |
The essence of all religions is Oneness and that is the principle of Love. If we nurture that principle of love there will be no scope for any hatred. Today religion is regarded as the cause for all the conflict, violence and bitterness in the world. But, matham (religion) is not the cause. Svaartha Mathulu (Selfish minds) are responsible for all the conflict. Are there not conflicts among people of the same religion on account of diverse viewpoints? People in Iran and Iraq profess the same Islamic faith. What is the reason for the conflict between them? 3/4thof the nations in the western world are Christians; but what is the reason for conflicts among them?
In Bharat also, all are Bharatiyasand they profess the Bharathiya religion. But why is there discord amongst them? When we examine this question deeply, we find that religions are not the real reason for these conflicts. Only selfish minds are the cause. Wearing the garb of religion, to fulfil individual selfish motives, conflicts are being incited among the people.
06-If the Mind is good which Religion is bad-1.21-1975 November 21
If the Mind is Good
which Religion can be Bad? |
Matamulanniyucheri Manchine Bodhinche
Telesimelugavalayu Telivitoda
Manasu Manchidaina Matamedi Cheddadi
Unnamaata Telupuchunnamaata
All religions put together teach us only good things,
Understanding this, one should conduct himself with intelligence;
If one’s mind is good, how can any religion be bad at all,
This is the plain and simple Truth that I am communicating to you.
A Short Quiz
01-Who according to Bhagawan is a true Pandit or Scholar?
02-What message does Bhagawan communicate through the verse, “Sarva Jeeva Namaskaaram Keshavam Pratigachhati” ?
03-What according to Bhagawan is the true reason for all the conflicts and violence in the world?
04-What is the link between religion (mathamu) and the human mind (mathi)?
I am trying to understand, what is meant by the following statement,
the message of Sikh gurus supports the underlying unity of people of all religions
Where did you get this statement from?