His Message His Voice

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says 'His Life is His Message'. This blog series is a compilation of theme based audio extracts from Bhagawan’s Discourses over various time periods. The intended purpose is to help us reflect on His Message in His own Voice to receive direct Divine Guideline for various questions in life. The blog series may be used for Self-reflection and also in forums like study circles, workshops, etc. The Discourses are accessed from www.sssmediacentre.org/#/ , the official website of Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre, Prasanthi Nilayam, to whom we owe our gratitude. This work is the result of the dedicated efforts put in by Dr. Srinivas Srirangarajan, former Director, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Brindavan Campus, with three decades of experience in Education in Human Values and the teachings of Bhagawan Baba.

Index of Blog Posts (Click on any topic of your choice)

S.No. Posting
1. Always Speak the Truth
2. Code of Conduct for Smiling / Laughing
3. Significance of the Gayatri Mantra
4. Parents are your God
5. Who is a True Friend?
6. Impact of Company / Association
7. Presenting the Case for God!
8. The Cosmic Contract!
9. Significance of Maha Shivaratri
10. True Spirit of Upaasanaa, Upanyaasam and Paaraayanam
11. Human Body is like a Chariot / Vehicle
12. Ancient Bharatheeya Culture and Traditions
13. Spending Vacations Fruitfully - Tips for Students
14. Significance of Yugaadi / Ugaadi (Hindu New Year) Festival
15. Always Speak the Truth - Case Studies
16. Lessons for Life from Ramayana
17. The Downside of Television
18. Guidelines on Dietary Habits - What, When and How to Eat Food - Part One
19. Guidelines on Dietary Habits - What, When and How to Eat Food - Part Two
20. Guidelines on Dietary Habits - What, When and How to Eat Food - Part Three
21. Guidelines on Dietary Habits - What, When and How to Eat Food - Part Four
22. Five Human Values Prescribed in Yama –  The First Step of the Ashtanga Yoga
23. Five Human Values Prescribed in Niyama - The Second Step of the Ashtanga Yoga
24. Three Vagaries of the Mind - Mala, Vikshepa and Aavarana
25. Four Defects of the Antahkarana (Inner Instruments) - Braanthi, Pramaadam, Karanaapaataanaa and Vipralipsa
26. Unity of Religions Part-I: Introduction to Religion
27. Unity of Religions Part-II: Diversity in Religion
28. Unity of Religions Part-III: Principle of Oneness - Common to all Religions
29. Unity of Religions Part-IV: There is only One Religion, the Religion of Love; There is only One God and He is Omnipresent
30. Unity of Religions Part-V: Respect all Religions-Never criticize any Religion
31. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sri Sathya Sai Organization (SSSO) - Part-I – Genesis and Management Model
32. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sri Sathya Sai Organization (SSSO) - Part-II –Emphasis on “No connection between SSSO and Money”
33. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sri Sathya Sai Organization (SSSO) - Part-III –Discipline – The undercurrent of all activities in SSSO
34. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sri Sathya Sai Organization (SSSO) - Part-IV –Love-Service-Sacrifice – The Three Pillars of the SSSO
35. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sri Sathya Sai Organization (SSSO) - Part-V – Expected Profile of SSSO Members
36. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sri Sathya Sai Organization (SSSO) - Part-VI – Ten Directives for SSSO Members
37. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sri Sathya Sai Organization (SSSO) - Part-VII – Concept of Ceiling on Desires
38. Ashta Pushpam -The Eight Flowers to be offered to God
39. Talk less – Work More - Observe Silence
40. ABC of Life – Always Be Cheerful  
41. Pleasure is an Interval between two Pains - Part-I - Underlying Philosophy
42. Pleasure is an Interval between two Pains - Part II - Simple Prescriptions
43. Anger Management - Part-I: Introduction to the Vice of Anger
44. Anger Management - Part-II: Simple Tips to Exercise Control over Anger
45. Anger Management - Part-III: Anger in Parent-Children Relationship
46. Anger Management - Part-IV: Anger in God-Devotee Relationship
47. Value Heroes
48. Unity in Diversity
49. Tongue Management - Part I: Glory of the Tongue
50. Tongue Management - Part II: Misuse of the Tongue
51. Tongue Management - Part-III: Teachings of the Tongue
52. Tongue Management - Part-IV: Control of the Tongue
53. Code of Conduct for Students
54. Six Qualities Dear to the Lord
55. Deepaavali – The Festival of Lights – Inner Significance
56. Five requisites to love God
57. Krishna Janmashtami




