
Report on Education in Human Values program for Primary School Teachers from Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh

A one-day workshop was organized for the teachers of Government Primary school teachers on 3rd October, 2019 in Prasanthi Nilayam. The agenda was to expose the teachers to the basic tenets of Education in Human Values as enunciated by Bhagavan Baba.

About 40 teachers consisting of ladies and gents attended the same. The format was study circle based where a Divine Discourse of Bhagavan Baba was taken up for discussion. An overview of the Sri Sathya Sai Integral System of Education was presented. The program concluded with some value games for teachers.

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Report on Sri Sathya Sai Pragathi Patham


Sri Sathya Sai Pragathi Patham (SSSPP) is a two-day program designed for the state presidents and state and district office bearers of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations, India. The genesis and idea of the program is to take a deep-dive into the specific messages of Bhagavan related to personal and organizational sadhana.

The format of the program was mainly experiential and study circle based. A typical day in the program would start at 5 30am with Aumkar & Suprabhatam followed by Jyothi Meditation and Aumkar Workshop. This would be followed by day-long discussions that were centred on 6 specific divine discourses delivered by Bhagavan Baba over the years to office bearers of the SSSSO.

The Divine discourses covered the topics of Vision and Mission of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations and three wings of the Organization namely, Spiritual, Seva and Education wings. The program concluded with integration of these three wings for the overall spiritual development of the organization members.

The program was held for around 400 office bearers from all parts of the country over 11 programs. They were conducted in Prasanthi Nilayam as well as other centres such as Dharmakshetra in Mumbai, Darjeeling in West Bengal, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar and Kolkata. Each program was attended by around 50 persons which made it possible to conduct more in-depth discussions. Two more programs are in the pipeline.

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Sri Sathya Sai Parenting Program for All India Bal Vikas Gurus & Parenting Coordinators

On July 14th and 15th, 2019, on the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima, a parenting workshop was organized by the SSSCHV at Prasanthi Nilayam. Participants totalling to 36 participated in the program. These included ladies and men from all over India. It was conducted by Dr. Pal Dhall and Dr. Tehsin Dhall, Advisory Committee members and world renowned specialists in this field.

The Program began with an experience sharing session where the stage was open to all the participants to come forward and share their knowledge as well as challenges in running Bal Vikas program and Parenting program for of Parenting. The second session was a study circle on Bhagavan’s core teachings on Parenting practices.

After lunch, the topic that was taken up for discussion was as follows, “Why do children need spirituality for core skills for success?” This was presented by Dr. Pal Dhall where he brought up the latest research findings linking spiritual progress and material success.

Dr. Pal Dhall facilitating the session on nurturing adolescent spirituality

“Nurturing Adolescent spirituality and Parent–Guru support” was the topic taken up in the evening. Dr. Pal Dhall showcased a lot of research from Neurology and connected it to the need and techniques of handling adolescents. The role of Parents and Guru was also taken up.

Next morning, the topic was “Key competencies for fostering spirituality in children.” The need for the Parent and Guru to become partners in the Bal Vikas program process was taken up. Under this the current status of such engagement was discussed and gaps were identified. Measures to overcome these gaps were also discussed.

In the concluding session, “Framing an Action Plan” was discussed and arrived at.

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Report on the workshop for doctors of Sri Sathya Sai Hospitals

Dr. Gurumurthy, Director of SSSIHMS-PG giving the welcome address

On November 10th, 2018, a workshop titled ‘The Heart of Sai Healthcare Mission’ was conducted for the DNB (Diplomate of National Board) doctors of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences – Prasanthi gram (SSSIHMS-PG) and Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital (SSSGH) in SSSIHMS-PG conference hall.

The purpose of the workshop was to facilitate the orientation of the young doctors (DNBs) working in the SSSIHMS – PG and SSSGH, Prasanthi Nilayam, towards the healthcare vision and mission of our beloved Lord Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. About 50 doctors from the various departments attended the same.

In his welcome address, Dr. Gurumurthy, Director of the SSSIHMS – PG succinctly delved upon the purpose and philosophy of the Sai Health care mission. He gave an outline of the number of DNB doctors that are currently working in each of the departments.

This was followed by Sri Prasad Rao’s (IAS), Member Secretary, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust inaugural talk in which he highlighted the current state of medical care in the country and how the SSSIHMS was different from them all. Sri Prasad Rao’s talk was followed by the keynote address of Dr. V. Mohan, Trustee and world renowned diabetologist. He spoke over a video conferencing facility from his office in Chennai. His 30 minute talk covered the entire spectrum of the Sai Healthcare mission.

Dr V Mohan’s talk was followed by Prof. Vishwanath Pandit’s talk. He is the director of the SSSCHV and former Vice- Chancellor of the SSSIHL. His talk focussed on the need for values in day to day life. He explained in brief the purpose of the SSSCHV and its mandate.

Prof. Vishwanath Pandit, then Director of SSSCHV addressing the doctors at SSSIHMS - PG

Prof. Vishwanath Pandit’s speech was followed by the most awaited moment of the morning, video of an excerpt of Bhagavan Baba’s discourse from 1994. It was a discourse given on the occasion of the Cardiac Symposium but its message, as always, is relevant for eternity. The discourse covered a wide array of instructions, suggestions and guidelines to doctors. It brought out His philosophy beautifully.

After the morning tea session, Dr. Narasimhan, Director of the Sri Sathya Sai Mobile Hospital, gave a rousing speech for an hour. His talk expounded on the five pillars of the Sai Healthcare Mission namely: Comprehensive Healthcare – state of the art, quality healthcare; Universal Healthcare – welcoming to all irrespective of caste, creed and religion; Spiritual healthcare – treat all as kith and kin, De-commercialised Healthcare - free for all, Preventive Healthcare – not just treatment of disease but also prevent its recurrence.

In the afternoon session, a panel discussion was conducted for all the participants. The following was structure for the panel discussion.

A video entitled “Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action” by Mr. Simon Sinek was used as a structure for the workshop. The concept basically puts for the following proposition.

It proposes that all organizations / individuals know ‘WHAT’ they do. In our organization (SSSIHMS and SSSGH), too, we know ‘WHAT’ is done or what is to be done. Fewer organizations know HOW they should do what they do. However, very few organizations know ‘WHY’ they do, what they do. Defining or knowing the ‘Why’ is not necessarily the outcome; such as ‘to treat patients’ or ‘to cure diseases’. Why stands for the ‘what is the purpose?’, ‘Why do I exist?’ etc.

Research shows that those organizations / people who know very clearly the ‘WHY’ of their existence are those who thrive successfully and last long. Everybody wants to be a part of organizations that know their ‘WHY’ clearly.

The endeavour, in the two panel discussions was to take up the ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of SSSIHMS. The concept of the golden circle was introduced to the participants. Three aspects of ‘WHY’ was taken up:

  • Why am I a doctor? Or Why did I choose to become a doctor? Or Why did I become a doctor? This is at the individual level.
  • Why this hospital? Or Why does this hospital exist? Or Why did Swami set up a hospital? At the SSSIHMS level.
  • Why Swami? Or Why should I be a part of this divine mission? Or What is the purpose of the mission as a whole? This is at the broadest level.

The panel consisted of Dr. Neelam Desai, HoD of CTVS department, SSSIHMS-PG, Dr. Kolli Challam, HoD of Anaesthesiology, SSSIHMS – Whitefield (WFD) and Sri N. Karthik, Senior Manager, Finance and Account, SSSIHMS – WFD. Each of the members are vastly experienced with the Sri Sathya Sai System having spent decades in divine proximity and personal guidance from Swami.

The second panel consisted of Dr. Sundaresh, Director, SSSIHMS – WFD, Dr. Lathashree, SSSGH – Prasanthi Nilayam and Sri Vaithialingam. This panel dealt with the ‘HOW’. Three aspects of ‘HOW’ were brought up namely:

  • How does Swami want medical care to be rendered?
  • How does Swami want this hospital to function as a marvellous model? The modus operandi, the form and function, the initial pointers. What are some of the unique features and the philosophy behind the FAQs.
  • How should I function in such a hospital?

The panellist shared their thoughts , insights and complemented them with their experiences and anecdotes.

The workshop ended with the impressions of some of the current DNB doctors on their WHY and HOW.


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Report on Teachers’ Conference on Education in Human Values program for the state of Kerala

Over 300 teachers from the South Indian state of Kerala arrived for a two day conference on EHV held on the 1st and 2nd of December, 2017. The program was held in the Poornachandra Auditorium in Prasanthi Nilayam. The focus of the program was on exposing the teachers to the foundations of the EHV program. The topics covered in the program were: 

  • Higher Education in the 21 st Century – Challenges and Opportunities, 
  • Introduction to Sri Sathya Sai Educare 
  • Education to Educare through Value Inculcation 
  • Techniques in Teaching Excellence
  • Relevance of Value Based Education
  • Teacher as Guru and Guru as Teacher 
  • Swami as the best teacher
  • Teachers as Change Agents
  • Teachers as Role Models


The participants were addressed by eminent speakers such Dr. Gururaj Karajagi, Chairman and Managing Director, Academy of Creative Teaching, Dr. Gopakumar, Vice-Chancellor of Central University, Kasargod, Sri. Jayakumar (IAS Retd), Dr. Sailesh Srivastava, Associate Professor, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Sri. Sanjay Sahani, Controller of Examinations, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

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