
Krishna Janmashtami

Krishna Janmashtami



Bhagawan says that one among the three beliefs that Bharathiyaas hold fast is the concept of Avatars. The other two being the law of Karma and the doctrine of rebirth. Humanity recognises only the momentary results of the advent of Avatar but as Bhagawan says, the only and very purpose of Avatar is to teach mankind the truth about Love. One such Avatar who displayed the principle of Love in every act of His is Lord Krishna.

Fortunate are we to be the contemporaries of the Poorna Avatar Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. We are blessed to listen about other Avatars directly from Bhagawan Baba, which is like an auto-biography. In this posting, Bhagawan speaks about the birth of Krishna and the message of Krishna Avatar.

This posting is a collection of excerpts from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan in the years 1989, 1990, 1991, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003.

In the 1st audio clip, Bhagawan explains the reason and the essential factors why God incarnates. He goes on to explain in clip 1B, the beauty of Krishna Thatwa/Krishna principle. He then goes on to explain in clip 2A, the master plan of the Lord regarding taking up an Avatar as Krishna. In clip 2B, Bhagawan reveals the birthday of Krishna according to the English calendar. In clip 2C, He talks of the misunderstanding that prevails among people about timing of Krishna’s birth. He then goes on to explain in clip 2D, the true birthplace and the true birthday of Krishna. Bhagawan elaborates in clip 3A, the events immediately after Krishna’s birth. In clip 3B, Bhagawan talks about the naming ceremony of little Krishna. He explains in clip 4, different meanings and inner significance of the name ‘Krishna’. He talks of the supreme message of Krishna’s life in clip 5. In clips 6A, 6B, and 6C Bhagawan explains the three vows that Krishna took. Finally, in the 7th clip, Bhagawan explains the purpose of Avatars, and lessons that devotees must take home.

1A. Why Avatars Come-1995 May 21

Whenever cruelty, falsehood and unrighteousness reach intolerable proportions, God incarnates on Earth to destroy the wrongdoers. God Himself steps into the world. Why should God Himself come down? Could He not send His powers or deputies to complete this task? If there is a small case (disturbance), a police constable will come to the scene first. If it intensifies further it will be handled by a S.P (Superintendent of Police). If the case is even more demanding, the D.I.G (Deputy Inspector General of Police) will take it up. Beyond a limit, the I.G.P (Inspector General of Police) himself will look into the case. Therefore, based on the duties and task at hand, a suitable action needs to be undertaken. Today’s world is boiling with lots of agitation. Similarly, Kamsa’s reign was full of agitation. There was a sense of insecurity among all the citizens of the kingdom. They weren’t sure which Yadava would be ordered to be executed and beheaded. Nobody’s life was secure. They lived a life filled with fear and anxiety.

Under those circumstances, God decided to incarnate and destroy such wicked people. The advent of every Avatar has two reasons: one, the prayers of the devotees; and two, the atrocities of the wicked people. The unity of these two factors too is very essential.

1B. Krishna Thatwa-1996 Sept 4

The Krishna Avatar was intended to teach a perennial message to the world. He sought nothing for Himself. He kept nothing for Himself. He gave away everything to the people. He slayed His maternal uncle Kamsa and installed Ugrasena, Kamsa’s father, on the throne. He did not covet the Kingdom. He befriended the Pandavas, defeated the Kauravas and crowned Dharmaja as the emperor. He did not make Himself the king. He was a king without a crown. He was the king of kings. He had no kingdom of His own. Infact, every human heart is His kingdom. This is the profound truth proclaimed by the Krishna Thatwa (Krishna principle).

2A. Lord’s Master Plan-1995 May 21

Divinity summoned Maya Shakthi. Devaki Devi had conceived her seventh child. All the events were unfolding as per His master plan. Vasudeva had two wives. They were housed at Nanda’s place to be guarded against the atrocities of Kamsa. The Lord summoned Yoga Maya Shakti and instructed, “Devaki Devi had conceived her seventh child. Don’t keep this child in her womb any further. This child is an incarnation of Adishesha Himself. Now, transfer this child to the womb of Rohini”. Hence, Balarama (the child born to Rohini) is also called by the name Sankarshanudu. Sankarshana means “transferring from one place to another”. Thus, Maya Shakti transferred the seventh child from Devaki Devi’s womb to Rohini’s womb and assisted in the Divine master plan to annihilate the demons. The Lord further instructed Maya Shakti to enter into the womb of Yashoda (wife of Nanda). “I will Myself enter Devaki Devi’s womb as her eighth child.”

2B. Krishna’s Birthday as per English Calender-2001 Aug 11

When was Krishna actually born? He was born 3228 years before Christ era in the month of Suguna on the 20th of July at 3 a.m. This is 2001 A.D. Before Christ it was 3228 years ago. As of today, He will be 5229 years old. He was born on the auspicious day of Sravana-Bahula-Ashtami. He was born in the Rohini Nakshatra (star). Since Krishna was born on the Ashtami day in the Rohini star, the world witnessed numerous miraculous events.

2C. Significance of Birth Timing-1990 Aug 14

Krishna was born in the Krishnapaksha. What is Krishnapaksha? Krishnapaksha means darkness (the dark fortnight of the month). At night there will be no moonlight. It is full of darkness. In peacelessness (Ashanti) there is radiance (Prakaanti). In that radiance there is Supreme Light (Paramjyothi). This Supreme Light is verily the Divine (Paramatma). Light has its value in darkness alone, but not in brightness. Similarly, when the entire world was filled with restlessness (Ashanti), which is unrighteous, Krishna took birth as the Embodiment of supreme peace.

He was born on Ashtami day. People associate Ashtami with troubles and losses. But when do troubles and losses arise in the world? Only when Righteousness (Dharma) is forgotten. Thus, to remove the troubles and losses of mankind; to dispel the darkness; to drive away ignorance; and to teach mankind Divine knowledge, Lord Krishna incarnated through Sravanam.

(Note – Lord Krishna was born in the month of Sravana. Bhagawan also brings out the significance of the word Sravanam (devout listening). In the discourse, Bhagawan goes on to talk about teaching the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna through the path of Sravanam.)

2D. True Birthday and Birthplace of Krishna-2003 Aug 19

Only when every man’s heart becomes cool, pure, peaceful, that is the true birthday of Krishna. There is no need to worry about the Thithis of Ashtami or Navami. Every man’s Hridaya (heart) is the birthplace of Krishna. The Hridaya must be peaceful, pure like the Himachala (the Himalayan mountains). It must be pure and cool. God manifests and installs Himself only in those hearts.

3A. Birth Story of Krishna-1995 May 21

God Himself incarnated as the child. The Divine effulgence of the child illuminated the surroundings. Devaki and Vasudeva bowed to the child. What is the reason? They were aware that God would be born as their child. The Lord had appeared to them in a dream the previous night and, “I will take birth from your womb at dawn”. Indeed the Divine child incarnated. “But, what is the use ? How do we protect this child?”, thought the parents. They were worried about His safety. This was the impact of Maya, delusion! They knew He was Divine. How can they protect the Divine?

The Lord had already instructed Vasudeva to take the Divine child out soon after birth. Vasudeva placed the baby in a small basket and was wondering how he would go out. In a trice, the chains that tied his hands came loose. The doors flung open. It was three o’clock in the thick of the night. The gatekeepers were fast asleep. No one else was around. Vasudeva quietly walked out of the dungeon. As he proceeded, there was a tremendous downpour of rain. This was a sign of the intense joy; and purity of the occasion. Even the clouds were ecstatic at the Divine Advent. Placing the basket on his head, Vasudeva walked towards Gokulam. But, river Yamuna flowed across his path. When God Himself was going, who could obstruct Him? Adisesha covered the basket carrying the Divine child. The river parted and made way as they proceeded. At that very moment, Yashoda gave birth to Maya Shakti. Everyone was fast asleep at Gokulam also. Vasudeva switched the babies and returned. It was all done according to the Divine Command. But nobody believes this today. This was a Divine Plan.

In keeping with God’s command, Vasudeva placed the Lord next to Yashoda and returned to Mathura with the girl child. God’s ways are so mysterious! Only after Vasudeva returned and placed the baby girl next to Devaki Devi, did the guards wake up. The prison doors were found open and the guards were gripped with fear. The baby girl cried out loudly.

3B. Garga Names the Baby as Krishna-2001 Aug 11

Sage Garga went to the house of Yashoda and Nanda for the naming ceremony of the babies. He exclaimed, “What I am seeing here today is strange. I have never heard of this in my life!” Incarnations generally occur in three colours of Shukla (white), Aruna (orange) and Pita (yellow). But here was a baby who was black. Hence, Garga considered the name Krishna (black) as most appropriate.

4. Meaning of the Name Krishna-1990 Aug 14

4A. Krishyathi Iti Krishnah

We must understand properly the meaning of the term Krishna. The word has three meanings.


One is “Krishyathi iti Krishnah” (The one who cultivates is Krishna). What is it that has to be cultivated? The Hridayakshetra (field of the heart). Krishna cultivates the field of our hearts. He removes the weeds of bad thoughts, softens the heart by watering it with love, ploughs it through sadhana, and sows the seeds of Lord’s name. Thus, Krishna is one who cultivates our hearts.

4B. Karshathi Iti Krishnah

The second meaning of the word is: “Karshathi iti Krishnah.” (The one who attracts is Krishna). Karsha refers to attraction. Krishna attracts you by His eyes, His speech, His sports, His flute. Everything related to Krishna is attractive. By His words, He softens and calms the hearts of even those filled with anger and makes them rejoice.


Krishna displayed these qualities even as a small child. Once He had entered the house of a gopika at night, climbed a pillar to get to the curds that were kept in a pot suspended from the ceiling. The gopika came with a lot of anger, caught Him in the act and held and blocked the pillar, saying that she would now expose Him before His mother Yashoda. She asked Him what He was doing at the top of the pillar. Krishna, in the most innocent manner, answered that He was searching for the calf that was missing from His house. The gopika could not contain her laughter at the answer. She laughed loudly and let go of the pillar to cover her mouth. This gave Him the chance to slide down the pillar and make a good escape. This way, every aspect of Krishna is full of attraction. He is attraction itself.

4C. Kushyathi Iti Krishnah

A third meaning of the word Krishna is “Kushyathi iti Krishnah” (one who is always joyful). Kush means joy. Krishna was always in a state of joy.

5. Prema Thatwa – Message of Life of Krishna-1989 Aug 24

The supreme message of the life of Krishna is Prema Thatwa (Love Principle) alone. Devoid of love, one cannot understand Krishna Thatwa. This Prema Thatwa will confer everything to the world. Krishna is the embodiment of Love. This love can be understood only through love. Divine love is strong, precious, splendorous and unbreakable like a diamond. If you want to secure such Divine love, your love (for God) must be equally strong. You can cut a diamond only with another diamond. If there is any defect in your love, it should be removed only through love. Love begets love. It is impossible to attain love through hatred. Hatred only breeds even more hatred. Jealousy begets jealousy. Anger breeds further anger. Through love alone can love be developed. Therefore, if you want to foster love, you have to get rid of hatred, jealousy and anger. Is there a need to use a torchlight, or a lantern, or a petromax light to see the naturally illuminating moon? No. There is no need for any of these accessories. The Moon can be seen by its own light. Similarly, to attain Krishna, the very embodiment of love, love is the only way.

6. The Three Vows that Krishna Took

6A. Paritranaya Sadhunam-28 April 1999
Paritranaaya Sadhunaam
Vinaashaayacha Dushkrutaam
Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge

What is the meaning of Sambhavam? One who expresses and manifests Himself according to His Will, unrestricted by rules, wherever and whenever necessary, is called as Sambhavaha


The Bhagavad Gita says – Whenever righteousness declines, O Arjuna, and unrighteousness rises, I incarnate. To protect the pious and destroy the wicked, to establish dharma, I incarnate in every age.


The word Sambhavaami means: He incarnates whenever necessary, wherever necessary, not bound by any rules. Thus, man recognised the various qualities of God and attributed names describing each aspect.

6B. Yogakshemam Vahaamyham-1998 April 19

Ananyaschinthayantho Maam
Ye Janah Paryupaasathe
Theshaam Nithyaabhiyukthaanaam
Yogakshemam Vahaamyaham

Whoever it may be (Ye Janaah Pari Upaasate), if he thinks of Me (worships Me) all the time (Ananyaas Chintayanto Maam), I will take care of his/her day to day welfare (Teshaam Nityaabhi Yuktaanaam, Yogakshemam Vahaamyaham).

It must be Ananya Bhakti. If the devotion is limited to just oneself and one’s family, it becomes ordinary devotion. If one prays with the feeling that one should be fine and the society should also be fine, then it is somewhat better – medium level.


The one who understands the principle that all are one, all beings are one, he is the one with true infinite devotion (Ananya Bhakti). Ananya Bhakti does not mean Sarvada Sarvakaaleshu Sarvatra Harichintanam – that is praying to the Lord non-stop all the time. Ananya means not perceiving any differences; it means considering and seeing everybody as one. There is Divinity in everyone, everybody is essentially Divine.

6C. Sarva Dharmaan Parithyajya-1991 July 26

Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya
Maam Ekam Saranam Vraja
Aham Tvaam Sarva-Paapebhyo
Mokshayishyaami Maa Shucha

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna called upon Arjuna to renounce all Dharmas and seek refuge in Him alone – “Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya Maam Ekam Saranam Vraja.” What is meant by Dharma? In the present context, Dharma refers to the specific quality of each object. Heat, for instance, is the Dharma of fire in a burning charcoal. Without heat, it is mere charcoal. Sweetness is the Dharma (natural quality) of sugar. Without sweetness, it ceases to be sugar. It becomes sand. Likewise, there is a Dharma (natural tendency) for man. What is it? Desire for things. It is natural for man to multiply his desires. “Sarva Dharmaan Parithyajya” means giving up all desires. This is also called Vairagya (detachment).


Note: Following passage is extracted from a discourse given by Bhagawan on 6-9-1977

“Mokshayishyaami Maa Shucha” (I shall save all those who surrender whole-heartedly to Me, and I shall liberate them from the cycle of birth and death). Thus Krishna assured man that He would save him from penury and grief and from sin and its terrible consequences, provided he adheres to Him and adores Him.

7. Lesson for Devotees-1997 Aug 25

There are many things in this world. There is intelligence and education, but can one become an expert instantly? There is a need for a teacher. Likewise, God descends in human form to guide mankind on the path of God realisation. We need to know this truth. Why do Avatars come? Avatar does not come without a purpose. Avatars come to uplift the creation (Prakriti).

Having been born as a human, man must not forget the importance of human birth. Human birth is rare and it must be utilised for the right purpose. God instructs the right path to redeem human birth. Festivals like Raama Navami and Krishna Janmashtami are designed to remind people about the purpose of human life. Observe how the cows behave. When they notice a green pasture, they hurriedly eat as much as they can. Once they return to their resting place, they leisurely chew the cud and digest it. Similarly, absorb the sacred teachings as much as you can during your stay here. Recollect and ruminate over them when you go back home. You are listening to what is being told here. Do not forget them. Once you return home, ruminate over what has been told here and put it into practice. Practise is important. Mere hearing is not enough. Every human is Divine, whatever is done that is God’s work. Always contemplate on God and sanctify the time


1. What are the two essential factors for the incarnation of God?

2. What does Krishna Thatwa (Krishna principle) proclaim?

3. When is Krishna’s birthday as per English calendar and Indian calendar?

4. Generally, people associate Ashtami with troubles and losses. But what is the actual reason given by Bhagawan, for the troubles and losses in life?

5. Krishna was born in the Krishnapaksha, the dark fortnight of the month. In this context, what does Krishna’s advent signify?

6. Which is the true birthplace of Krishna and When does the true birth of Krishna happen?

7. What are the three colours in which the incarnations generally occur? Was Krishna’s colour one among them? What was the colour of Krishna?

8. The name Krishna signifies three different aspects of the Lord. What are they?

9. What is the supreme message of Krishna’s life? What is the only way to attain Krishna?

10. Recollect the three vows that Krishna took.

11. What lessons must devotees take home, regarding the teachings, from the behaviour of cows?
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Value Heroes


Bhagawan Baba, in all His Discourses throughout His earthly sojourn, has propagated and stressed on the practice of the five fundamental Human Values as the basis of all worldly and spiritual pursuits. These are Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Righteousness), Shanti (Peace), Prema (Divine Love) and Ahimsa (Non-violence). These fundamental Human Values manifest themselves in our life through a number of instrumental values. Understanding each one of these Human Values demands tremendous effort, time, experience and maturity.
As Bhagawan Baba says, life is the best teacher and nature is the best preacher. As we move along the journey of our life, these values unfold their true meaning and purport to us, provided we make a serious and sincere attempt to understand, appreciate and above all, put them into practice in our day to day life. However, an easier way of understanding and appreciating their meaning is to study the lives of great heroes / heroines who have actually lived and demonstrated these values in their lives. This posting is an attempt in that direction. There are many such great personalities embodying these Human Values spread across the length and breadth of our globe. However, the focus in this posting, which is just a sample, is on the rich and sacred epics and texts of the East. In Bharath, the name that goes synonymously with Sathya (Truth) is King Harischandra, popularly known as Sathya Harischandra. Yudhisthira, the eldest brother among the Pandavas was verily called Dharmaja, because of his strict adherence to Dharma (righteousness) in life. Shanti or forbearance was embodied by Draupadi, the consort of the Pandavas. Bhagawan narrates a possibly less known anecdote in the life of Draupadi, where she has demonstrated the forbearance of the highest order, an ideal for all people to follow. Ahimsa was verily the life-breath of Lord Buddha and the very centre-point of his message to humanity. Finally, Love crystallized in a human form and walking on two feet is none other than our beloved Bhagawan Baba. The five audio extracts in this posting have been taken from the Discourses delivered by Bhagawan in the years 1984, 1996 and 2000. There is one extract from a Discourse delivered in the year 1966, for which the audio version is not available.
Clip-1 focuses on the value of Truth, through the example of the life of Sathya Harischandra. In Clip-2 Bhagawan narrates a unique episode from the life of the Pandavas, wherein Dharmaja manifests equanimity of a high order and at the same time fulfils all his duties as per his Dharma. In Clip-3 Bhagawan highlights a very special episode in the life of Draupadi that sets an example of the quality of peace in the form of forbearance, for the entire world to emulate. As it would be apt to end the posting with Bhagawan’s life story, we cover Non-violence first and then Love. Clip-4 focuses on Non-violence and narrates a wonderful story from the life of Lord Buddha that is pregnant with profound wisdom and insights. Finally, Clip-5 presents one of those many episodes in the life of Bhagawan Baba, where He has showered His immense Love and Grace on His devotees.  
Each audio clip has a name that adopts the following code: Serial number, Title appropriate to the key content, Duration of the clip, Year-Month-Date of the Clip. Below the title is the translation in English of the select excerpt of the Discourse, followed by the audio player. The post ends with a short quiz that would help you evaluate your assimilation of Bhagawan’s Message from these extracts.  
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The Five Fundamental Human Values


01-Always Speak the Truth-1.36-1996 July 13
Sathya Harischandra – The King of Truth
Image Source

Rama is the very embodiment of Truth. But we utter all lies. We perform the Satyanarayana Vratam once a year; that is all. That is not right. Satatam Satyam. We must speak the truth always. Sarvada Sarvakaleshu Sarvatra Harichintanam. We must think of God always, at all times and everywhere. We must at least make an effort to speak the truth. But we are not doing that. The moment we open our mouth, it is lies. Whatever we say, it is lies. It is not even possible to know what the truth is.

Therefore students, do not give up truth under any circumstances, even if it comes to losing your very life. It is truth that will be with you, around you, front of you, behind you and will protect you like the eyelid of the eye. This is how Harischandra got transformed into Sathya Harischandra. He was challenged with so many difficulties and pains. He sold his wife and children; he sacrificed his kingdom, and finally became a cemetery worker. But he did not get shaken and he never gave up the truth. Finally, God Himself had to submit to him. God manifested before him, gave him back everything that he had lost and honoured him with the tile “Sathya Harischandra”.

02-Equanimity of Dharmaraja-Adherence to Dharma-3.45-2000 November 14
Dharmaja – The embodiment of Dharma
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Forty-two years after the (Kurukshetra) war, Arjuna was returning from Dwaraka. In what situation was he returning? The entire clan of Yadavas was embroiled in squabble, as a result of which Krishna had left His mortal coil, and Balarama and the Yadavas all perished. Knowing that Arjuna is coming, Kunti got up and sat down. No one has ever suffered as much as the Pandavas did. Since they experienced so many difficulties, they were able to stay so close to God. Kunti got up and awaited the arrival of Arjuna. Dharmaja went forward and received Arjuna. He asked, “Arjuna, how is our Krishna? Our friend, our brother-in-law, our relative; how is He?” Arjuna could not utter any words. “Krishna is no more!”, saying so, Arjuna collapsed. Hearing this news, Dharmaja went to his mother and said, “Mother, Krishna has passed away”. “Did Krishna pass away? Did Krishna pass away?”, she uttered thus thrice and gave up her life. The body (of Kunti) that gave up its life, fell on the lap of Dharmaja.

Holding mother Kunti who fell into his lap, Dharmaja was enquiring, “Mother, as Krishna has gone away, have you also gone to find Him? It appears to me that you have gone in search of Him. What for this life without Krishna? So long we have lived with Krishna, we have experienced Him, we have been victorious; we have been able to achieve all this only because of the help of Krishna”. Saying so, he called Bhima and Arjuna. He also called for Nakula and Sahadeva. He told Nakula and Sahadeva, “Start making preparations for our onward journey”. He called Bhima and told him, “Make preparations at the cemetery for the final rites of Mother (Kunti)”. He called Arjuna and asked him to organize the coronation of the young one (his grandson Parikshit).
How strange is this? On one side is the death of Kunti Devi, and she was being taken to the crematorium. On the other hand, arrangements were being made (for the Pandavas) to proceed to the forest. Yet, on the other hand, all were getting ready to coronate the young one (Parikshit). All these three events happened on the same day. Who can do this? No one can do this. Only devotees who have earned the Grace of God can accomplish such a task. Dharmaja alone could perform such a sacred task.

03-Forbearance of Mother Draupadi-An ideal for all-3.35-2000 May 19
Draupadi protects Aswathama – Epitome of Forbearance
Image Source

After the gruesome murder of the Upa-Pandavas (children of the Pandavas), Arjuna tracked Aswathama (the perpetrator of the atrocity) and dragged him (before Draupadi). Draupadi, the consort of the Pandavas, fell at the feet of the wicked Aswathama and enquired:

These children were at home
And did not enter the battlefield;
Nor did they hunt and kill;
They were just tiny tots,
Devoid of all ill feelings.
Why then did you cruelly strike them,
And in the darkness of night slaughter them?
They were the children of Dronacharya’s disciples,
That very same Drona,
Who was also your father and guru.
Can you truthfully declare,
That what you did was right?
(Telugu poem)
Bhima could not bear to see what Draupadi was doing. (Exploding in anger) Bhima roared:
Here is this demon,
Who has slaughtered our children,
And this foolish woman,
Is trying to reason with him!
Should the murderer be spared,
Or dealt with as he deserves?
If no one is willing to punish him,
I shall with bare hands,
Crush him to pulp!
(Telugu poem)
Consumed by fury, most of the Pandavas were about to jump on Aswathama. Draupadi raised her hand and said, “Stop, you should not kill such a person.”
O Phalguna (Arjuna)! It is wrong to kill
One who is afraid,
One whom courage has abandoned,
One who is asleep,
One who is intoxicated,
One who seeks refuge,
And finally, a woman.
(Telugu poem)
“You should not kill Aswathama, for he is your preceptor’s son. Just shave his head as a token punishment and set him free.” This is how Draupadi reacted to the situation; she did not show the slightest anger towards the one who mercilessly wiped out all her children.

04-Non-violence-Buddha refuses to react-6.02-1984 September 06
Lord Buddha – Personification of  Non-violence
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Once upon a time Buddha set out to seek alms. He neared the village that he was supposed to go to. All the residents of that village had great faith in Buddha. However, as he reached close to the village, some rowdies (ruffians), taking to the wrong path, started abusing him in all ways. Instead of travelling further, Buddha sat there on a rock. He asked (the ruffians), “Children, what is the pleasure that you get in abusing me?” Not giving any reply to him, they started abusing him in a more heinous manner. Buddha sat there stating that they could abuse him as long as they wanted.

They got exhausted by abusing him continuously and finally they were preparing to leave the place. As they were about to leave the place, Buddha addressed them thus, “Children, in the village that is nearby, all the people love me very much. If you would have behaved like this after I reached that village, they would have cut you down to pieces. Therefore, to make you escape that danger and to give you an opportunity to abuse me as long as you want, I sat here all this while”.
In order to make others happy, we have to put in lot of effort and spend lot of money. But today, it is so comforting to me that without spending even a naya paisa (a former monetary unit of India, the 100th part of a rupee) and without putting in any effort, I have been able to give so much happiness to so many of you. If you are so happy to abuse me, then am I not responsible for (giving you) that happiness? I have to satisfy you somehow. Therefore, I am happy that I have satisfied you.
To make others happy, there are many who build choultries, dig wells and perform several other tasks to help others. But without putting in any such effort, in this unique way, I have been able to make you wicked people so happy. This amounts to accomplishment of such a great task by me.
Buddha taught them one more lesson in a manner that made a great impact on their heart. Children, (let us say) a beggar comes to your house. He asks for alms – Bhavati Bhikshaandehi. You get some alms. But it is not the alms sought by the beggar. You have brought some other alms. The beggar asks, “What would you do if I do not accept the alms?” Your reply would be, “If you do not take the alms, I will take it back with me. It will belong to me only”.
In the same way, you all made an attempt to offer me the alms of abuses. I did not accept that. Then, whom will these alms reach? Redirect – it will reach back to you only. Therefore, you all are abusing yourselves and not me. If we post a registered letter to a friend, and if the friend does not accept the registered post, what would happen to that cover in the post office? It will be redirected and will reach the person who has sent it. In the same manner, if you have abused somebody, or if you have criticized somebody, and if they do not care about it, it will all get redirected to you only. Therefore, hatred and jealousy actually hurt you only. To think that it causes harm to others amounts to mean satisfaction.

04-A-Non-violence-Buddha refuses to react-1966 February 02 (No Audio File)
A Naasthika (atheist) came near Buddha and challenged him in violent language, abusing him, casting aspersions on him and his associates, exhibiting foul manners of the most reprehensible kind. Buddha listened to him but did not react at all. The poor fellow’s tongue got exhausted and he became mad with anger. He went out of the presence, in great huff. When asked the reasons why he did not speak a word in reply, the Buddha said, “When someone comes to your door with the intention to be your guest, the slightest indication that you have become aware of his coming, a word like “Hello” or “when did you come?” is enough to make him settle down in the house. But, if you do not notice him or react to his talk, he will return without much ado.”
Many of you are pained by the calumny that some papers are indulging in, regarding Me. Many are urging that something should be done about it. But, I am holding every one back, for that is the best way to deal with both praise and blame. The ocean knows no overflowing or drying up. It is ever full, ever majestic, ever unconcerned.
05-Love of Swami is that of a Thousand Mothers-4.44-1996 July 04
Embodiment of Love!

A small example. Though I do not want to remind you about this, but even a small boy, having given a promise to Swami, has been keeping up his promise to this day. The boy who spoke first, hails from Simla. I am seeing that boy now. He was so young ten years back. He was studying in Primary School. This and the other boy are brothers.

From Himachal Pradesh, the mother (of these children) was brought on a stretcher. They brought her to Brindavan. I took these two boys close to me and told the mother, “These are My children. You do not need to have any more anxiety. Do not worry about your children”. The mother also promised Swami, “Here take my children, O Sai Maata, I am offering them to you”. She handed over the sons and gave up her life. I brought these children here, from Brindavan. Then, they were very young. The boy said, “Mother Sai is my true mother. It is not that (physical) mother, but it is this mother who is most important to me”. The father also made a similar promise. Since then, both these children in Prasanthi Nilayam have not shed a single drop of tear. The tender hearts know pretty well the power of the promise given. Once a promise is given and upheld, there will be no sorrow in life. That is surrender. Mother died. The father too does not come here frequently. He has left them as Swami is taking care of them.
Every morning and evening, I am watching them, talking to them and enquiring about their well-being. The tender hearts have such total faith. Today, that boy spoke about faith so well. His heart is full of such faith. They have never experienced the pain of the absence of their (physical) mother. 
One day, saying that he is missing his mother, the Warden brought the boy to Me, from the Primary School. She said, “Swami he is not eating any food. He is crying”. At that time, the boy was five years old. He was studying in first standard. I called him, made him very happy, took him to the interview room, gave him a ring, pampered him in so many ways and made him forget his sorrow. From that day onwards he is always smiling and smiling.
Thus the hearts of the children are so sacred. The elders today are not able to recognize that sacred love. Love is so sacred. It gives you all the courage and valour. Would these children have survived had it been any other place? No! Because they were with Swami, they could live so well. Swami takes care with the love of a thousand mothers!


Value Heroes


A Short Quiz
01-What is the Sanskrit verse that advises us to think of God always, at all times and everywhere?
02-What were the three entirely independent events that Dharmaja was able to initiate and handle at the same time, with total equanimity?
03-In this age of multitasking, can the three tasks handled by Dharmaja in parallel, be considered as a great challenge? If yes, why?
04-What are the questions raised by Draupadi that testify the unjustified killing of the Upa-pandavas?
05-Draupadi with all her forbearance and wisdom prevents the Pandavas from killing Aswathama. She points out six situations wherein it is not justified to kill a person. What are these six situations?
06-Finally what are two reasons Draupadi states to ensure that the Pandavas do not kill Aswathama, the murderer of their children?
07-Evetually, does Draupadi let Aswathama go scott free?
08-Why does Buddha feel so happy in allowing the wicked people to abuse him continuously?
09-What is the reason that Buddha gives for sitting on the outskirts of the village so long, allowing the wicked people to abuse him?
10-What is the analogy of the beggar and the alms that Buddha gives to explain to the wicked people, as to why he did not react to their abuses?
11-What is the analogy of the guest that Buddha gives to explain to the wicked people, as to why he did not react to their abuses?
12-Bhagawan says that the tender hearts know the power of the promise given. What are three vows or promises that Bhagawan has given mankind as the Avataar of this age?
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